The Inclusion TableTM

The Best Table in The World for Wheelchair Accessibility


Page 2 of the Inclusion Table Brochure

The Inclusion Table is capable of adjusting to heights of 29”- 36” (under table measures) and adjusts outwardly 8.5” for total of 27” of leg room to accommodate most wheelchairs sizes, however, DOES NOT AJDUST TO HEMI-WHEELCHAIR SIZES.

What is The Inclusion Table?

The Inclusion Table is an easy-to-use adjustable table, designed to be wheelchair friendly.

The table is 4’ x 4’ in size with four individual sections that can be adjusted both vertically and horizontally (up/down and in/out) independent of one another with two hand toggles at each section for quick and easy adjustments.

Perfect for any setting, our product is functional, easily movable, and designed to be inclusive for people using larger wheelchairs, that otherwise would not be able to access a table. This why we named our table “The Inclusion Table” because it allows all people to feel and be “included” in dining or other activities.

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Nobody wants to be excluded. But for many, this is an everyday reality.

Most tables don’t accommodate large wheelchairs, leaving them unable to socialize or participate in activities with their friends and families.

The revolutionary, patented Inclusion TableTM solves this problem like no other table on the market. With four tabletop sections that easily adjust, both vertically and horizontally, The Inclusion TableTM can adapt to each individual’s needs, accommodating all wheelchairs and allowing everyone to be included.

To purchase your own Inclusion TableTM, you can visit our website at

U.S. Patent No. 10,980,338

warranty badge for The Inclusion Table


The Inclusion is built to be tough and durable for years and years of use.

That’s why we offer an excellent warranty:

5-Year Warranty on Components

10-Year Warranty on the Table Frame

Contact Us

(208) 269-6710

Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm